Control –
- The Postal Department is under the administrative control of the Director General of Posts, New Delhi.
- The DG also functions as the Chairman of the Postal Board and Secretary of the Deptt. of Posts.
- the entire country has been divided into sixteen Postal Circles under a postmaster general as shown below :
- In each Circle there are a number of Postal Divisions under the charge of Senior Superintendents or Superintendents of Post Offices who directly control the working of all the Post Offices under their jurisdiction.
- The R.M.S.(Railway Mail Service) Offices and Sections are similarly controlled by the Senior Superintendents or Superintendents RMS in each Circle.
- The Head of the Army Postal Services is the Director, Army Postal Services, Army Headquarters, New Delhi
Total Number of Circles 23
SI.No Name of the Circle Administrative Jurisdiction Name of the Head quarters
- Andhra Pradesh - Andhrapradesh - Vijayawada
- Assam - Assam - Guwahati
- Bihar - Bihar - Patna
- Chattisgarh- Chattisgarh- Raipur
- Delhi - Delhi - New Delhi
- Gujarat - Gujarat,daman & Diu, Dadra Nagar Haveli - Ahmedabad
- Haryana - Haryana - Ambala
- Himachal Pradesh- Himachal Pradesh- Shimla
- Jammu Kashmir - Jammu Kashmir - Srinagar
- Jharkhand - Jharkhand - Ranchi
- Karnataka - Karnataka - Bangalore
- Kerala - Kerala and Lakshwadweep - Trivandrum
- Madhyapradesh - Madhyapradesh - Bhopal
- Maharashtra - Maharashtra and Goa- Mumbai
- North Eastern- Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram,Meghalaya, Nagaland and Tripura- Shillong
- Orissa - Orissa - Bhubaneshwar
- Punjab - Punjab & Chandigarh -Chandigarh
- Rajasthan-Rajasthan- Jaipur
- Tamilnadu - Tamilnadu and Pondicherry - Chennai
- Telangana -Telangana- Hyderabad
- Uttarpradesh- Uttarpradesh - Lucknow
- Uttaranchal - Uttaranchal - Dehradun
- West Bengal - West Bengal, Andaman Nicobar, Sikkim - Kolkata
(a) Head Post Offices.
(b) Sub-Post Offices including E.D. Sub-Offices, and
(c) E.D. Branch Post Offices.
3.Night Post Offices-
- The working hours of the post offices are generally fixed by the Head of the Circle .
- The Director-General may extend the working hours of any post office up to 8:30 P.M. and keep them open on Sundays also.
- On Sundays and National Holidays as well as other P.O. holidays the night Post Offices function and observe restricted working hours. These offices work for one shift only from 10:00 to 17.00 hours.
- During the extended hours, these post offices will generally book registered articles including V.P. articles, issue T.M.Os, and sell I.P.Os. and postage stamps.
- Deposits into Savings Bank Account and sale of cash certificates will be available upto 7.00 p.m. on week days only.
- Payment of T.M.Os will also be effected upto 6 p.m.
4. Mobile Post offices –
- The Mobile Post Offices sell stamps and Postal stationery, grant certificate of posting, book surface and air mail registered articles of the letter mail (excluding insured and V.P.) and air parcels besides accepting unregistered articles of the letter mail for dispatch.
- The mobile Post Offices at Madras and Nagpur are also permitted to book money orders.
- Hours of business of a post office and RMS office shows -
ii. the times at which mails are delivered and dispatched
- Business done on Sundays and P.O. holidays Except the Night Post Offices all post offices Mobile Post Offices are generally closed on Sundays and PO Holidays.
- Registered newspapers and packets of registered news papers are accepted on Sundays and PO holidays without payment of any late fee in Press Sorting Offices, R.M.S. offices and at Night Post Offices.
Post Offices observe seventeen holidays in a year . Out of fourteen holidays are observed compulsory in all the circle and three holidays vary from circle to circle.
- 9.Desirability of prepayment of postage –Unpaid articles or articles on which the postage is not fully prepaid are not afforded any greater security in transmission over other unregistered mail.
- Unpaid articles are liable to detention for the purpose of taxing the postage due on them.
- Such article are not issued along with the special deliveries.
10. Postage Stamps and Stationery.
Philatelic Bureaux – In order to cater to the needs of philatelists and stamp collectors.
Post Offices sell Revenue stamps issued by the Central Government. These stamps cannot be used for payment of postage.
15. Packing. –
- Every letter, packet or parcel has to be stamped with the date stamps of at least two post offices
- All articles, therefore, which are likely to suffer from stamping of pressure should be packed in strong covers.
- Every letter, packet or parcel should be closed in such a manner that it does not give rise to sharp edges which may expose officials to injury, damage correspondence or hinder postal operations.
16. Sealing -
- The public are advised not to use sealing wax for seals outside unregistered letters and packets, except when such seals are necessary for the protection of the articles to which they are applied.
- When sealing wax is used for seals outside unregistered letters and packets, a piece of tissue or other thin paper should be laid on the wax before the seal is applied, as otherwise both the articles themselves and those with which they come in contract in transit are liable to injury from the sealing wax adhering to other articles.
- The precaution recommended is specially necessary in the case of articles for foreign countries, which have for several days to pass through very hot climates.
17. Posting of coints etc. –
- Coin, bullion, precious stones, jewellery, articles of gold or silver and currency or Bank Notes, can be sent by the Inland Post, only insured.
- By sending articles of value in unregistered letters or unregistered parcels, the senders not only ran the risk of losing their property but also expose to temptation every person through whose hands the articles pass.
- Stamps affixed to a letter or packet must be completely adherent to the article itself and not to any part of its contents or any separate label or other device tied or attached to the article.
- The stamps should be affixed to the right hand top corner of the address side.
26. Particulars to be furnished –
- In the case of articles addressed to foreign countries, the address should be written in Roman letters and in Arabic figures.
- The address should be written parallel to the length of the cover and in the lower half and towards the right-hand side of the front of the article, sender’s address preferable in the lower left-hand corner on the address side
- In the case of articles entitled to concessional rates of postage or to be transmitted free of postage, the class of the articles, e.g., ‘Book-Post’, ‘Blind Literature’ should be clearly noted on the top of the address side of the article.
27.Mails for Defence Services Personnel serving in the Army and Air Force
28. Mails for Navy Personnel serving in INS Ships – Mail for Navy Personnel on board I.N.S. ships should be addressed c/o the Fleet Mail Office, Bombay.
29. Articles bearing indefinite addresses
30. Addition of sender’s address.
- Every article should bear on the bottom lower left hand corner the name and address of the sender including PIN in order that the post office may be able in case of non-delivery, to return it unopened and without delay.
31. Intimation of address to correspondents abroad. – The public are advised when furnishing their address to correspondents abroad, to mention the name of State in India in which they reside.
55. Post Boxe-
- we can get only fully prepaid unregistered article (Letter Mail) through Post boxes and post Bags.
- The render need not wait for Postman on his beat delivery.
- Letter can be collected anytime during the day and safety of the letter is ensured.
- Post office gets revenue by way of rent besides reduction in word load of the postman
- The renter is responsible for safe custody of key of post box given on rent to the renter
- The rent of post Box in a financial year - Rs- 150
- The rent of post Box in a quarter - Rs-50
56. Post Bags. –
- The system of delivery of Postal articles in a bag, to the renter in locked condition.
- The lock and Duplicate key is to be supplied by the renter
- This facility is available at all delivery post offices.
- The rent of post Bags in a financial year - Rs- 150
- The rent for post Bags and post box (bot) in a financial year - Rs-250
198. Conditions-
Official postal articles, whether the postage is prepaid or not, must bear the superscription “On India Government service” when posted by Government Officials authorized to use service postage stamps or “On Service” when posted by all others authorized to use service postage stamps. This superscription must be supported by the signature and official designation to be entered in the lower left-hand corner other article of the officer who sends the article, or of the Head Clerk or Superintendent of his office or other responsible officer to whom the duty of dispatching is assigned
199. Unpaid and insufficiently paid articles.
On an insufficiently paid official article - Equal to deficiency (Postage chargeable on the delivery)
204.Postage due articles-
Postmaster or the other authorized officer of the office of the delivery is authorized to alter the amount due entered in the figure on official postal article.
205.”Camp articles”, special bags and camp bags.-
209. General Prohibitions. – The transmission by the Inland post of the undermentioned
articles is prohibited :-
(1) Anything which is sent in contravention of any enactment for the time being in force.
(2) Any indecent or obscene printing, painting, photograph, lithograph, engraving, book or card, or any other indecent or obscene articles.
(3) Any letter, postcard, newspaper, packet or parcel having on it or on the cover thereof, any words, marks or design of an indecent, obscene, seditious, scurrilous threatening, or grossly offensive nature.
(4) Any explosive, inflammable, dangerous, filthy, noxious or deleterious substance
(5) Any sharp instrument not properly protected.
(6) Any living creatures or other thing which is either noxious or likely to injure postal article in course of transmission by post or any officer or the Post Office
7.Ticket, proposal or advertisement relating to a lottery, or
(ii) Any other matter descriptive of or otherwise relating to a lottery which is calculated to act as an inducement to persons to participate in that lottery.
(9) Gold coin or bullion or both of a value exceeding Rs. 10,000.
210. Local Prohibitions. Certain articles are prohibited for transmission by india post in the certain localities between 2 places in india
211. Treatment of Injurious Article-
if the irregularity is detected at the office of posting- it is returned to sender
if found in course of transmission - it is sent to RLO
212. Treatment of prohibited or durable articles. –
- only suspected to contain such goods will be forwarded marked “Doubtful” to the office of destination where it will be opened in the presence of the addressee.
- Imported Postal article containing coin, bullion, precious stones, jewellery, article of gold or silver or other articles which are liable to customs duty will not be transmitted by post unless and until the customs duty payable has been paid.
213. Articles bearing thereon any matter which is prejudicial to the Maintenance of Law and Order, etc.
if article found in course of transmission, it will be sent to the Returned Letter Office for disposal.